Friday, September 18, 2009

Can social networking hurt your business?

Social networking is a great tool in marketing your business. A small amount of time and effort on a weekly basis keeps customers informed, and more importantly keeps your company's name in front of their eyes. But, is there a downside?

We here at SiteBoxPro can think of a few scenarios in which social networking can actually hurt you business:
  • What are others saying about your business: you should not respond to every negative comment said about your company, but be aware of negative comment and we suggest you combat negatives with an equal amount of positives (real positives, not just stuff you made up).
  • Right content, wrong location: Make sure the sites you use to network are used by the people who would benefit from your business. Different audiences and demographics use and prefer differnt sites, make sure you are hitting the right ones.
  • Sitting it out: If you are one of those people who think that social networking isn't right for your business, think again. You can take advantage is a the most attractive feature, which is the price...FREE! Using the internet is a first step in making almost any purchase, make sure you products and services are respresented.

If you have a comment or question, post it here, We want to get you involved, and maybe others could benefit from your experiences. What has worked for you? What has failed?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is Superscripting messing up your line height?

If you have ever added a registration ® or trademark ™ to your website content and then superscripted it (making it slightly smaller and pushed to the top) then you also know that it messes up your line spacing (the space between lines is taller than the others).

The fix is simple, just create a style for superscript and give it a line-height of zero:

sup {line-height: 0px;}

Its a nice little trick and is supported in (I think) every browser.