Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Must have iPhone apps for web designers

If you are like me you know that the iPhone is more than just a cool toy, it can be a valuable tool and resource. And, if like me, you are a web designer who not only creates websites, but is involved with maintaining, tracking, enhancing and almost anything a clients asks to have done - you know how important it is to be "connected" at all times.

Now with all that said, here are my most used apps - these aren't just apps i saw on some other list page, but rather apps i used weekly, if not daily (and i will keep it brief by just giving the app name, the usage and why you need it.)

Analytics - This app is by and it is a complete Google Analytics application. You can get your Google stats instantly and you can track a huge number of sites.

FTPOnTheGo - Wow, this has come in very handy. This FTP client allows you to download files, like HTML, JSP, PHP or really anything and edit them in a text editor and send them back to the server.

GoDaddy - I have purchased tons of domains for clients on my iPhone.

CC Terminal - I can get paid anywhere anytime. this credit card app is easy to use and connects to your account.

SEO Ranking - Add your domain, enter your keywords and find out where your site ranks. this app also keeps a graphical history so you can track your SEO successes (or slips).

That's it. I have a couple others dedicated to just web stuff, but I don't use them as much. Oh, the names that used above are how they appear on the phone, so if you search the App Store they should come up. They aren't all free either, but Analytics and FTPOnTheGo are worth the price.